Developing Our Workforce
Workforce isn't just a buzz word--it's the number one concern that we hear from businesses as part of our existing business support program. The problem stems from the fact that growing economies like ours are literally going to run out of people to hire. As the baby boomer generation leaves the workforce, there aren't going to be enough people to fill their positions because the working population is shrinking. As unemployment continues to fall, individuals with highly specialized skills will be in high demand. That's why we are bringing together stakeholders from business and education community to address this issue. Below are just a handful of resources for you to learn more about what we're doing in our newest strategic area of focus.
Chamber Member WorkshopsThe Chamber hosts educational and or subject specific workshops and seminars designed to impart skills that help our members adapt to the changing business environment. We strive to educate our members and help them to sharpen their skill sets. Past workshops have included subjects/topics such as Human Resource Services, Social Media for Business, Accessing Capital to Grow your Business, How to Prioritize and Goal Set in Order to Become Successful, Getting your Business Certified to do business with the State of California, and California Competes Tax Credit Workshops are some just to name a few.
The Pittsburg Chamber is constantly looking for feedback with regard to topics considered most resourceful and pertinent to our members. Are you interested in learning more about a specific business-related topic? If so, please notify us so that we can potentially make it happen! |
Workforce Development
Career Pathways ExpoThe Pittsburg Chamber recognizes that today's students are tomorrow's workforce. The Career Pathways program is a collaborative effort lead by the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce to create a space where multiple schools and teachers can partner with local employers to help prepare students for purposeful transitions from high school to post-secondary education, training and jobs aligned with local high-wage, high-skill, and
high-demand STEM careers. The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Diablo Delta Corridor Project, PUSD, AUSD, MUSD, Antioch Chamber, Concord Chamber and the regional business community, is strategically working to develop the talent pipeline that ensures success of our students, future workforce, our community and the economic vitality of the region. Pittsburg High School Annual Career & College FairThe Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce is committed to playing an integral role in developing a strong local workforce by partnering students and families with local businesses to help shape students' understanding and preparedness for life after high school. The annual PHS Career Fair is a collaboration developed as a way for Pittsburg’s regional employers, post-secondary institutions and other training providers to assemble and help PHS students understand the available options as they transition into the next chapter of their lives.
During the fair, students learn about staffing patterns, job demands, employer requirements, internships and post-secondary programs available from local business owners and vocational training providers. Interview ProjectThe Pittsburg Chamber Interview Project (IP) affords high school students a realistic experience in presenting themselves on paper and in person. When placed in front of a high-caliber individual in an interview setting, students are given the chance to think on their feet, express themselves verbally, dress professionally, consider future options, and build confidence. Immediate written and verbal feedback allows a student to reflect upon ways to improve during an actual interview. The resume writing portion of the IP furnishes the student with a valuable piece already completed for future use.
"I would like to thank the Pittsburg Chamber for hosting the Career Interview program, it gives students like us many new experiences that we would need later in life. Also, thank you for personally attending the program and giving me much valued feed backs from the interview. I am very interested in the Chamber and the programs it hosts, and I hope to be attending more in the near future. I hope to meet you again maybe in one of those programs. Once again thanks for the interview."
~From a Mock Interviewer~
"Wow!! What a terrific resource for students! The students were engaged, interesting, and exciting to speak with. Fantastic event, which we look forward to attending again next year. Thank you for considering us!"
~From a Mock Interviewer~
Dear Mr. Clark,
Very few words can quite describe how grateful I am to have experienced the privilege of being interviewed by a man whom I suspect of the highest expertise. It was truly an honor to represent myself and practice to enhance my current skills and advance my strive of being college-bound to work towards a future career. After review it is shown that we spent an estimated 20 to 30 minutes together during the "mock interview" and not a single moment passed where I was not enthralled by your words. As recollection of your question of who is my inspiration, you have definitely been added onto my list alongside Batman. I found the Interview Project was an opportunity to learn to grow as I continue to pursue my future goals. On the back of your card which you so graciously shared with me, it reads, " The benefits of good hard work." This quote has been on my mind since I have read it, directly after the interview, and instantly this became a goal of mine to learn and discover what "the benefits of good hard work" are and is now a catalyst for me to work harder and better. This experience with you was one which will never be forgotten and for that I thank you.
Sincerely, Joey Rada
~PHS Student~